Product: Pike and Arrow Tags
Price: $18-$28CAD
Function/Purpose: Pet name tag
Fit: Different shapes and sizes to suit any size dog.
Quality: Stamped brass metal.
Features: Unique shapes and stamps. Custom.
Likes: I love these tags. I have a few for Kona and Cali. All my K9 Adventure Hike harnesses have these tags stamped with Heeler Pack and my phone number for additional reassurance if any dogs got lost from the group. Tags have held up through daily wear, rain, mud, and the salty ocean.
Dislikes: There have been no dislikes. 1 tag out of over 10 tags of mine broke off and it was replaced with no hassle. That tag that broke off had a different ring attachment that is no longer used and has been updated to something stronger.
Rating: 5 out of 5