Product: Ruffwear Approach Pack
Price: $79.95US
Function/Purpose: Backpack for dogs.
Fit: Comes in 4 sizes, XS to L/XL
Quality: High quality packs that withstand tough trail use.
Features: Large and small zipper compartments on either side. Padded, adjustable straps on the front of the chest, bottom of the chest just past the armpits and stomach. Top handle. Leash attachment. Plus additional attachment, which I clip a bear bell to.
Likes: The Approach pack has always been my favourite. This 2017 version is no exception. I find it to be pretty much identical to the previous years pack. It fits the dogs really nice, causing no strain or chafing.
Dislikes: I would in the future like to see a waterproof pack. However, Ruffwear does have saddle covers which do the trick.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5